Our QSHE policy

Safety is a priority within our company.To do this, we are part of a principle of continuous evolution and sustainable development, thanks to the actions implemented.

In quality

Ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction its staff and the company itself. Comply with our ethical charter and that of ECOBAT in order to be exemplary. Give life and evolve our quality management system based on feedback and exchanges to better empower the various actors to the aspects of quality, hygiene, safety, health and environment to have a lasting impact on behaviours.

In Hygiene and Safety

Strive towards zero accidents. Reduce workplace hazards (health and safety). The means in training, the authorizations, the personal protective equipment, the necessary equipment to meet the challenges and the risks involved, prevent occupational diseases, prevent major crises.

In environment

Prevent the environmental impacts (lighting, waste sorting, printing, tap water, moving…). Reduce waste and improve its recovery. Optimize the use of natural resources. Make responsible purchases.

In terms of professional equality

Promote social diversity(professional equality between men and women, older employees, disabled workers…). Promote the professional integration(use of e-learning, hiring people with difficulties finding work…)

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